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About Empacta

In Istanbul, on the 3rd of December 2013, nine audit firms and auditors from nine countries founded Empacta.

Empacta is an association of internationally operating auditors. The founding members gave themselves statutes. The core of the association is its internal democracy and its strict international approach. There is no preference or privileges for certain countries or regions – all members are equal.

All members have already year-long experiences of international audits. This is expressed also in the mission statement, on which the members agreed in Istanbul.

The association is founded on the principles of a participatory, equal and violent-free dialogue. Dialogue means not only communication between professional auditors from different countries and different cultures; dialogue means also a certain communication culture between auditors and auditees.

It is the conviction of the founders that only a communication culture, which includes a faithful engagement and a reflection on the interaction between the participants can lead to a transnational number-based reconciliation. “Auditing is not finished with confirmation, it raises also awareness for hidden problems” – as the mission statement says. Empacta aims to further develop the understanding of what auditing could be.

The young association develops quickly. Already in January 2014, the association was legally registered in Berlin, Germany. Ms. Etleva Dhamo, Certified Accountant, was elected as Secretary General. Mr. Frank Fabel and Mr. Thomas Werner, CPAs, were elected as first Board the association.

Founding Members

Fabel, Werner & Schnittke, Germany

UAB Auditoriai Konsultantai, Lithuania

SK Barua & Co., Bangladesh

Ms. Etleva Dhamo, Albania

Ms. Megi Metskhvarishvili, Georgia

Uzair Hammad Faisal & Co,. Pakistan

Mr. Josef Ugorzak, Slovakia

Ms. Valentina Rotaru, Moldova

EBG Consulting, Turkey

Annual Meetings and General Assemblies

2009 Munich

2010 Munich

2011 Berlin

2012 Munich

2013 Istanbul

2014 Starnberg

2015 Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

2016 Berlin

2017 Biblos, Lebanon

2018 Cyprus

2019 Chisinau, Moldova

2020 Frankfurt

2021 Potsdam

2022 Gorée, Senegal

2023 Cyprus

2024 Amman